Returns & Refunds

Returns Policy

Our return policy is good for 14 days from the date of your purchase. If it’s been more than 14 days since you bought it, we won’t be able to offer a refund or exchange.

Eligibility for Returns

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused, in the same condition you received it, and in its original packaging. When you send back your item, make sure to clearly label it with your full name and order number so we know who it’s from!

How to Return an Item

If you want to return something, just drop us an email at, and we’ll send you the return address.

No Returns on Personalised Prints

Since personalised prints are custom-made just for you, we can’t accept returns or exchanges once your order is placed. Please make sure everything looks perfect before you finalise your purchase!

No Returns on Framed Prints

Due to the custom-made nature of our framed prints, we’re unable to accept returns unless your item arrives damaged or defective. We recommend double-checking all the details before placing your order, as we can’t restock or resell custom-made items.

Damaged or Defective Prints

We want you to absolutely love your print! If it arrives damaged or there’s something wrong with it, just let us know within 7 days of getting it, and we’ll send you a replacement for free. Just snap some photos of the damaged print and packaging and send them over to us.

Returning Items

At the moment, we don’t cover the cost of returns, so you’ll be responsible for shipping it back to us. We definitely recommend using a tracked shipping service to make sure your package gets to us safely!


Once we get your returned item and check it out, we’ll send you an email to let you know we got it and whether your refund is approved. If everything looks good, we’ll process your refund, and it will automatically go back to your original payment method or credit card within 7 days. Just a heads up, shipping costs aren’t refundable.